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TOP-Week 2024

TOP Week provides you the ideal opportunity to get to know fellow students, discover Tilburg University and explore what being a student in Tilburg has to offer you.

Every year, before the academic year starts, TOP Week takes place. This is the general introduction week for new Tilburg University students.

TOP Week is the first time freshmen have the opportunity to get to know each other. Throughout the whole week all kind of fun activities will be organized that will stimulate the introduction and integration of the students. During this week, all freshmen will be divided into groups of approximately 15 people who all have the same study program. The group will be guided by two senior students (student mentors), who will show them all aspects of student life in Tilburg. The week gives you an impression of all sport clubs, study associations and student groups Tilburg has to offer. You will meet many new people and make great friends of the same study program. During TOP Week you will also meet MAK during the Explore 013-fair or at our party on Wednesday at STUDIO!

Note that the TOP week program is optional, but the MAK Introduction Day is mandatory for all TiSEM studies!

The TOP-week program of 2024 can be found here.

Important for bachelor and (pre-)master students who do not participate in the TOP Week

When you do not participate in the TOP-week and you still want to follow our program you have to make sure you complete your Studielink registration. If so, you will receive an email from us to subscribe to the program.