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If you are studying Economics and Management at Tilburg University, Asset is the association for you. Asset organizes fun social events, offers study support, and organizes career events such as the Economic Business Weeks and the
Business Night. Asset consists of seven specialized departments that offer activities for specific studies:

  • Asset | Accounting & Finance focuses on finance, accountancy and financial controlling.
  • Asset | Econometrics serves the bachelor in Econometrics and the Master's programs in Business Analytics and Operations Research, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics and Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science.
  • Asset | Economics serves students interested in Economics and/or students in the bachelor’s programs Economics, Economics and Business Administration and the master’s program Economics.
  • Asset | Bedrijfseconomie for all students Bedrijfseconomie (Dutch taught program).
  • Asset | International Business & Manangement serves the students of the bachelor study program International Business Administration and the master study program International Management.
  • Asset | Marketing is for all students interested in Marketing, Marketing Research and Communication.
  • Asset | SBIT serves the Bachelor’s students with an interest in economics or IT and the (pre-)Master’s students of Information Management.
  • Asset | Strategy & Logistics focuses on students of Tilburg University who are interested in the field of Strategy and/or Logistics.

On top of these departments, two organizations are connected to Asset

  • MAK  is the Mentorship System for Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM). MAK focuses on helping students to get adjusted and acquainted to student life, both study-related and socially. Besides, it is our goal to provide useful information to prospective, first year and pre-master students. Moreover, MAK supports (senior) students in their study program. These goals are translated into our core pillars: Study Orientation, Introduction activities, GROW@TiSEM Mentoring Program and Study Support.
  • Economic Business weeks Tilburg (EBT) will take place from 2 to 25 April 2024. With 1500+ students and 85+ companies, the EBT is the largest career event in the south of the Netherlands and offers students an excellent opportunity to orientate themselves on their future career.

Another association besides Asset which is connected to TiSEM 

  • Smeetskring is for all students with an interest in Fiscale Economie, Fiscaal Recht and International Business Taxation.